Terms and conditions

V26 15-12-2023 | 14:15:33

Article 1 Applicability 

These terms apply to all participants (individual and teams) of the 2024 Night of the Refugee. These terms are published on www.nachtvandevluchteling.nl (hereafter: Website). 

Article 2 Night of the Refugee

The Night of the Refugee is organised by The Refugee Foundation (hereafter: Organisation), residing in (2592 BM) The Hague, at Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131.  

The Night of the Refugee is an annual charity walk. Participants walk a 10-, 20- or 40-kilometre route, generally in June. Both to draw attention to the plight of refugees and to raise money for the The Refugee Foundation (Stichting Vluchteling). Various start and finish locations are designated around the Netherlands. For more information, see the Website. 

Article 3 Participation

Participants may participate as individuals or as a team. All Night of the Refugee participants must be properly registered.  

To register, participants apply to the Organisation. Participants can register via the Website. Registration terms are published on the Website, including any additional terms (e.g., minimum age, maximum number of participants etc). Only fully and correctly completed applications are considered. Participants whose application has been approved, receive a provisional proof of registration. This provisional proof of registration becomes a definitive proof of registration (e-ticket), when the financial requirements have been met. 

If the maximum number of participants is reached, the Organisation will inform the relevant applicants and place them on a reserve list. If participants withdraw and/or the number of participants is increased they will be the first to be invited to resubmit their application.  

Article 4 Personal information

Participants are asked to share various personal details on the Website. The Organisation needs this information to organise the Night of the Refugee properly.  

These personal details are only for use in the 2024 Night of the Refugee, unless participants specifically state that their details may be used for (the promotion of) other The Refugee Foundation activities. In which case their first name, surname and e-mail address will be preserved in The Refugee Foundation administration for the receipt of emails regarding future The Refugee Foundation activities.  

Participants understand and agree that their first name and/or surname may be made public by the Organisation whether or not in connection with the results of the walk.    

All personal details will be processed in accordance with the Dutch Refugee Foundation’s Privacy Statement, published at www.nachtvandevluchteling.nl/privacy 

Participants may be photographed and/or filmed during the Night of the Refugee. Participants who object should make this known in person directly. Participants who do not object thereby give the Organisation permission to use any recorded data to generate media attention, publicity, promotion and/or organisational purposes for The Refugee Foundation in general and the Night of the Refugee in particular. 

Article 5 Financial

The Organisation does not require participants to pay a registration fee or to guarantee a minimum sponsorship sum.  
All participants are however required to look for sponsors to contribute towards the participation in the Night of the Refugee. Sponsorship is organised via the Website. Sponsors can contribute money via the Website on behalf of the participant of their choice. Participants may also donate money themselves.  

The Organisation may decide to cancel the registration of participants and/or teams who fail to raise any sponsorship (€ 0) by 1 June 2023.  

The entire sum raised on the Night of the Refugee is for the benefit of The Refugee Foundation. The Refugee Foundation determines the specific purpose for the money as it considers appropriate. 

If the 2024 Night of the Refugee is cancelled due to circumstances beyond the Organisation’s control, the participants and the registration fees will be reserved for the following Night of the Refugee in 2025. The money raised from sponsors will go to The Refugee Foundation in line with the original intention.   

Article 6 Circumstances beyond the Organisation’s control

The Organisation will make every effort to ensure that the 2024 Night of the Refugee goes ahead as planned, but cannot guarantee this since it may depend on external factors such as, although not exclusively: Covid-19, weather, security, government regulations etc. If the 2024 Night of the Refugee cannot go ahead due to external factors, these are deemed circumstances beyond the Organisation’s control.    

The Organisation may decide to cancel the 2024 Night of the Refugee due to circumstances beyond its control. In that case the 2023 event will not take place and preparations will begin for the 2025 event.  

The Organisation may decide to cancel the 2024 Night of the Refugee on a particular date due to circumstances beyond its control. In that case the Organisation may decide to move the 2024 event to another date or to cancel the event definitively.  

Article 7 Charity walk

The Night of the Refugee consists of one or more routes to be walked on the evening and/or night. There is no competitive aspect to the routes.  

Participants realise that the Night of the Refugee involves a walk that requires mental and physical effort. They will ensure that they have the necessary equipment, that they are adequately prepared and that before the event actually starts, they will assess whether they are mentally and physically capable of taking part.  

Participants will present themselves on time, correctly and with a valid proof of registration and will follow the route designated by the Organisation and will obey the instructions and any additional instructions immediately.  

During the walk, participants will behave sportingly, will cause no nuisance, inconvenience or danger, will not behave offensively or immorally, and will obey the law and follow the instructions of authorised officials.  

Article 8 Liability

Participants take part in the Night of the Refugee voluntarily, under their own responsibility and at their own risk. Each participant is aware that the mental and physical effort and the timing of the walk in the evening and at night mean that participation entails risks. Each participant is responsible for their own personal property.  

The Organisation will make every effort to ensure that the Night of the Refugee proceeds correctly and securely. The Organisation can make no further guarantees.  

The Organisation’s liability is limited to the sum for which the 2024 Night of the Refugee is insured plus the deductible. If damage is not covered, for whatever reason, the Organisation may only be held liable in the event of intent or culpability on the part of the Organisation.  

If a participant fails to abide by these terms, they will be held liable for all damages incurred by the Organisation as a result. Moreover, the Organisation may exclude the participant from any subsequent participation in the Night of the Refugee.  

Article 9 Conclusion

These terms are subject to the Sponsorship terms of the 2024 Night of the Refugee. In the event of a conflict, the terms for participants takes precedence.  

In all cases not covered by these terms, the Organisation will decide. 

These terms are subject to Dutch law. Disputes relating to these terms and/or the Night of the Refugee shall be referred to the competent court in The Hague. 

The Organisation is authorised to unilaterally amend these terms within reasonable limits if there are valid reasons. 




Article 1 Applicability 

These terms apply to all sponsors of participants (individuals and teams) of the 2024 Night of the Refugee. The terms are published at www.nachtvandevluchteling.nl (hereafter: Website). 

Article 2 Night of the Refugee

The Night of the Refugee is organised by The Refugee Foundation (hereafter: Organisation), residing in (2592 BM) The Hague, at Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131.  

The Night of the Refugee is an annual charity walk. On the Night of the Refugee, participants take part in a charity walk. Both to draw attention to the plight of refugees and to raise money for The Refugee Foundation. For more information, see the Website. 

Article 3 Donation

All participants are required to look for sponsors to contribute towards the participation in the Night of the Refugee. Sponsorship is organised via the Website. Sponsors can contribute money via the Website to the participant of their choice. Participants may also donate money themselves. 

The entire sum raised on the Night of the Refugee is for the benefit of The Refugee Foundation. The Refugee Foundation determines the specific purpose for the money as it considers appropriate.  

Each donation on behalf of a participant in the Night of the Refugee is considered a definitive and irrevocable donation to The Dutch Refugee Foundation. The donation remains payable even if the 2024 Night of the Refugee is cancelled or moved to a different date and/or the participant fails to take part.  

Article 4 Personal information

Sponsors are asked to share various personal details on the Website. The Organisation needs this information to process sponsored sums for the 2024 Night of the Refugee properly.  

By donating money on behalf of a participant, sponsors permit the Organisation to make their name and email address known to the participant(s) concerned. If they prefer otherwise, they should make their contribution anonymously.  

The Organisation may use the sponsor’s email address once to inform all sponsors how the sums raised on the 2024 Night of the Refugee will be donated. 

All personal details will be processed in accordance with The Refugee Foundation’s Privacy Statement, published at www.nachtvandevluchteling.nl/privacy 

Article 5 Conclusion

These terms are subject to the terms for participants in the 2024 Night of the Refugee. In the event of a conflict, the sponsorship terms take precedence.  

In all cases not covered by these terms, the Organisation will decide. 

These terms are subject to Dutch law. Disputes relating to these terms and/or the Night of the Refugee shall be referred to the competent court in The Hague. 

The Organisation is authorised to unilaterally amend these terms within reasonable limits if there are valid reasons. 
